“GPS-Enabled” Lighting to Save Oceanside, California, Over $500,000 Annually

As part of its commitment to reduce energy consumption, the city of Oceanside, California, recently installed more than 7,700 LED roadway fixtures equipped with a GPS-enabled controls system. 

 Expected to drive energy and maintenance savings of approximately $600,000 annually, the installation of LED fixtures with LightGrid controls continues to position the city as a leader in connected and energy-saving solutions.  

GPS-enabled roadway fixtures 

As part of the LightGrid controls system, Oceanside’s Public Works team now has a real-time view of how each of the 7,700 street lights across town is operating. The solution includes a GPS chip in every roadway light post, allowing the city to monitor each fixture through a Webbased interface and immediately respond to maintenance or operational needs. 

 The controls system also allows the city to activate more precise “on/off” and street-light dimming schedules, particularly in low-traffic areas and during overnight hours, to save the city in energy-related costs. 

 “Illuminating our city with LED street lights with LightGrid from Current, gives us control like we’ve never had before,” said Kiel Koger, Oceanside Public Works division manager. “We’re able to efficiently light roadways in a way that makes sense for how our city operates day to day, all while reducing our energy bills.” 

Intelligent city 

Energy-efficient lighting is a part of a greater initiative—the Green Oceanside campaign, which was established to educate residents, businesses and visitors and to implement programs for energy efficiency, recycling, water conservation, energy conservation and more. 

 Funded by a $5 million government grant, the Oceanside Public Works department was driven to complete this lighting project because of its potential to realize large energy and maintenance savings.  

 Replacing legacy high pressure sodium (HPS) street lights is expected to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 1.7 million pounds, which is equal to removing nearly 150 cars from the road or adding more than 200 acres of forest. 

 “The feedback from citizens and city staff has been just as important as the anticipated energy and cost savings,” said Koger. “Citizens of Oceanside like the fixture style and the light quality produced, while city staff are also pleased by the energy and maintenance savings and expected return on investment.” 

 In addition, it helps the city promote energy efficiency and inch closer to its goal of leveraging data and operating as a more intelligent city, Koger said. 

Additional upgrades include 900 park light fixtures and parking, pier and decorative lights in the downtown area.